We Are Overlap Original Songs
Richard Schooping and Robert Sidebottom met by chance on Facebook many years ago.
They immediately felt a connection.
A kindred spirit.
Over the years they discussed many things about life, and what each have been through.
Through these conversations a collaboration began.
Poetry, books, and now songs.
WeAreOverLap is the name of their duet.
In just 2 years they've created over 180 songs and videos.
Each song is on point with their message
of bettering the world in which we all live.
There is another way, and Rich and Rob feel a calling to spread this way through our creative nature.
They did not meet by accident, but to be conduits of compassion.
They hope you will read, listen, and give back the gifts they've been given in your own creative way.
They see that what happened, happened, but is no longer happening, and they want to share their stories.