Living on a 'Minimum Rage' video up by We Are Overlap
This song is about no longer being a slave to what we call society.
We wrote this song with a simple message...stop being a slave. From birth we are taught what it means to be happy. What it means to be human when no such thing exists. Inundated by commercials, TV, and movies explaining what we need to be whole.

We're saying you don't need all these possessions to be happy. In truth, all the possessions you own actually own you. Taught to be slaves of desire we toil at jobs we hate to pay for things we don't really need. This type of slavery does not care for the color of your skin, only your credit score and your ability to pay back your debt at high interest rates. It is so simple to see. We are saying live a life without debt.

Without the desire to own more than what you need to exist. Only then will one truly understand what it means to be free to just enjoy the gift of life. Don't fall into the trap of slavery while being called free. Just be free of it all. Life itself will take care of you and guide you to your natural state of freedom.

It's about living a free life without depending on the commercials that tell us what it means to be happy.

It's about surrendering to your own freedom and the gift of life. The description of life is never free, or creative. Anything that costs money is not freedom.

Anything one seeks based on what they are taught as belief lives in a cage. Most simply decorate the cage, but still remain the slaves of the bars they have yet to see.
Minimum Rage
Picking cotton for minimum wage
Am I free, or living as a slave?
Locked in a cage of my own desire
Hiding in a cave without a light
I hope you dance
I hope you sing
I hope you break down to your knees
And throw away everything
I hope you break
I hope you shake
I hope you let everything go
Let everything go
You’re not a slave
You’re not a slave
You’re not a slave
You’re not a slave
Where was I before my birth?
Was it Heaven or was it earth?
Was it here, or was it dead?
Just another shade of red
Dancing down the empty roads
Always doing what we’re told
Watching souls come and go
Always in a hurry to the place’s unknown
I hope you dance (I’m picking cotton for minimum wage)
I hope you sing (I’m picking cotton for minimum wage)
I hope you dream and wake up from what you think that you see
(I’m picking cotton for minimum wage)
I hope you breathe
I’m picking cotton for minimum wage
I’m flipping burgers for the minimum wage
I’m learning nothing with the minimum wage
Living nothing with the minimum wage
Just watch the sun as it streaks across the sky
Never alone as clouds roll by
All along the way everyday
As trees bend to guide your way and smile as you pass by
You’re not a slave
You’re not a slave
You’re not a slave
Slave to the ego
I’m picking cotton for minimum wage
I’m flipping burgers for the minimum wage
I’m feeling Heaven and I’m feeling my rage
All I can really do is keep on turning the page
I’m picking cotton for minimum wage
I’m flipping burgers for the minimum wage
I’m feeling Heaven and I’m feeling my rage
All I can really do is keep on turning the page