About We Are Overlap
These songs we wrote and produced that are doing very well on YouTube. I, Robert Sidebottom, am from KY. It took me many years to find my way home which is why we wrote Bluegrass Bourbon. It's not about drinking, although it can be whatever people hear, it's about being thankful for being alive and living in Kentucky.
This Vagabond Song is the life Rich, my writing partner, and I have lived. We're all just vagabonds trying to find our way in a confusing world. We hope you enjoy these and the others on this page.
We thank you for your time and consideration.
Rich & Rob
We dream of uniting the world through our music and message.

We are here to plant seeds of love through words and sounds.
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We Are Overlap - From Under These Wings

We Are Overlap - My Broken Butterfly

We Are Overlap - Wild Ride

We Are Overlap - Moonshine Before Noontime
We welcome you to our world.

Richard Schooping, and Robert Sidebottom, Sr., met on Facebook six years ago. It was no accident. Both have had very difficult journeys, as have many, but both survived and are grateful. Grateful to be alive and creating in hopes of spreading compassion: the only true currency that exists.
During their collaboration they have written two books including, "The Death Of Time, A Life Without Expectation," and their newest release, "The Myth Of Death, Eternal Season," which shows that death is a natural state of awareness. In the last 10 months they have written, and produced, 78 songs that support their new book.
Richard Schooping is a musical magician. He was on the verge of being a rock star until he developed AIDS in his twenties. He was told he would not live past 25. He eventually got a brain infection that led to a massive stroke, and aphasia. He lost the ability to walk, talk, swallow, but most importantly, he lost his ability to sing, but he never gave up, and 29 years later he is thriving, and producing music and creating love and compassion daily.
Robert Sidebottom grew up in a home filled with dogma that split his mind. A father who had a stroke in his 30's and became a violent alcoholic. There was never any peace, and eventually he snapped. Losing his businesses, his family, home, and almost his mind. He ended up in county jail for two months. During this time he finally became grateful for the smallest things in life. Once released, he began writing poetry and won nine contests his first year. Then he began writing books trying to express what he had found.
This led to Richard and Rob's meeting and now collaboration.
This is their story in words and music.
We thank you very much for reading this message and hope you will help them spread the currency of compassion. Again, they are asking for nothing in return. It's just who they have become and want to simply share another way of viewing what we call life and death.